Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why you should always ask to whom you're speaking

I work in a small office at CFU, constantly filled with students and a ringing phone. As with most organizations, we have a specific protocol when answering said phone, and transferring it to the correct line if necessary. Anyway, long and short of it, this morning, 8:55am, it rings:

Me: Good morning, CFU, this is Lisa, can I help you?
Voice: Hi, Lisa, is the other Lisa around?
Me: (Certain that this is my boss' friend in another department) Absolutely, let me just transfer you.
Boss: Hello?
Me: Hi, Lisa, I have Marie on the line for you.

< end call on my part >

Cut to 5 minutes later...Boss comes out of her office.

Boss: You did say that was Marie, right?
Me: Yes. It wasn't?
Boss: No, that was Scott.



everglade said...

You seem to have a problem with this!

I remember!

Remember when I called your home, and you left me confused and crying cause you told me B. wasn't there .. and I had the wrong number and I KNOW I didn't, then I called that guy's WIFE .. and he was mad! And I thought it was the male roomate, and he was being a dick, but he wasn't OH .. NO! BUT still I thought it was a conspiracy and I still shudder a little when I think of that mean mean mean man yelling at me from New Jersy and it makes me very frightened all because you didn't realize I was asking for B. and not DAVE .. who no one knows, even though the call display said I was from Canada and HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHO CALL YOU FROM CANADA PROBABLY NOT MANY .. but that didn't stop you!

I. I think you might need a Whisper 2000 on the phone.

Gazelle said...

I think you may need a little less caffeine in your diet ;)

Stop calling my wife! *giggles*

Anonymous said...

I think Marie and Scott are the same person.

Gazelle said...


I have never seen them in the same room at the same time. You might be onto something here.