Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Humble Gratitude

Tonight, as Lisa drove me home from my job at "Coffeeland" she informed me that the hit counter for this blog was at 998.

It caused me to stop and get giddy. Seriously - and not just from the coffee beans I had been freebasing earlier.

While reading this entry, you might have been the one person to tip the number over 1,000. Oh yes, you might have been the one to touch greatness. I think this is great. I love being able to blog you all. I think it's my fave noun/verb combo now. I'm going to try to trademark it as a slang curse.

"I was so pissed at my blogging boss for yelling at me in front of those bikers!"
"Dude! You are the Blog!"
I told you once, so just Blog Off!"

So there you have it. It'll catch on. I'm confident.

On my rare serious note - thanks so much to all of you who have supported and encouraged us in this endeavour. We love and need you all.

If you hate us, go blog yourself.


Unknown said...

As if we could hate you...... Get real. :o)

Anonymous said...

I have a tendency to forget it exists and then remember and read it until I'm current again - is that method okay? I still show up on the hit counter, I swear! :D Going to set up an RSS feed or e-mail notifications or something so this will be less problematic...