Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Twist on Overheard

Usually we bring you snippets of randomness that we have overheard, like the guy in the street telling his girlfriend he wasn't really bothered about trying to save their relationship, or the girl who was so pretty she was Abercrombie pretty.

This morning, however, I offer you a slight twist on this theme, and instead introduce you to a conversation that I sadly did not overhear, but in which I was instead a part.

The Scenario: A coworker and I are leaving work at the same time. I'm still relatively new, and at times things can be awkward because we're still feeling each other out. At a stretch for something to say, my coworker turns to me and says:

Coworker: So, British accent huh?
Me: Mmmhmm.
Coworker: So where you from? Britain or Australia?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beauty Inside and Out

Many of you know I'm questing; or walking the path, if you'd rather that expression. Whatever you choose to cal it, I'm a practicing Buddhist and a very happy one. In the past, when I've tried to get more serious about my practice, things have always gotten in the way - specifically myself. Now, I feel as though I am ready to understand and process the teachings and live the way I really want to.

As a part of this and with Lisa's support, I've begun to draw and paint again. It's early, so I am a bit hard on myself, but it centers me and it's a form of meditation I am using and I couldn't be happier about it. I feel like I glow from within when I'm doing it.

Also, I've been adding to my tattoo collection. Some people have asked me if this doesn't contradict the idea that Buddhists should not be attached to worldly things. I pondered long and hard about this, read up as much as I could and I found that attachment for Buddhists isn't what a lot of people would believe. I got certain Buddhist symbols, and positioned them in places on my body they way I wanted them, and when I see them, I smile and I'm reminded to breathe mindfully, and to take that moment and act with compassion rather than another emotion that might be negative and I am trying to break. I do not sit around and pet the tattoos as though they are an object I possess and crave and attach myself to in that respect. I like the idea that this 'permanent' (huge laugh since nothing is permanent) symbol on my body will assist me in the earlier stages of my path to have the right intentions, actions, and continual mindfulness.

With this, I leave you with the images of the most recent additions as of this weekend, and I am happy to be working on creating the next set. Namaste everyone!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Avoidance is Key

Because we are still up to our ears in immigration and house-refinancing paperwork, I am merely going to share with you something in the spirit of misheard lyrics. It's something I've been pondering for a while now, because frankly, my ears aren't as young as they used to be (must be all the paperwork), and it's not uncommon to hear "That's what they were singing? No way!" in our house.

So today, I bring you Science Fiction: Double Feature , as heard by me for, well, ever.

Real Lyrics:
"And I really got hot
When I saw Janette Scott
Fight a Triffid that spits poison and kills"

My version of the Lyrics:
"And I really got hot
When I saw Janette Scott
Fighting to the death in fourteen inch heels"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In Which I Ramble and Discuss Immigration

Well now.

My sweetie has thrown down the gauntlet, and started up with the blog again, and if I am to feel equal then I must do the same. Actually, I’ve been missing it greatly, but I simply haven’t had the time to update between work, and hitting my pillow face first.

So…I am here. I am 2 and a half weeks into my new job and I am loving it. I get to play with code. All day. It’s great.

The one part of my job that has been weighing on me has been this horrific necessity to get myself properly legal. I have explained this time and time again to people who think that now I have a job here, I’m a citizen, but the truth of the matter is it’s just too confusing for words. Now, instead of having to explain, I can just point them here.

I am currently on an F1-OPT visa. This means that I am still, technically, under a student visa, but undergoing training with a firm in my field of study. That is, technically, what the job is.
This F1-OPT visa expires in a year. February 27th, 2010. If I’m not sorely mistaken, it is on that date that I will be given 60 days to leave the country.


There is this wonderful entity – a beautiful beastie – called an H-1B visa. This is, to the common man, a working visa. Guess what? I’m working! Wheee! I’m eligible to apply for this delight.

That said, here’s a few details about the H-1B, for those of you following along at home:
  • There is a limited quota of these available each year.

  • Because of this, they ‘sell out’ quickly.

  • The start date for the H-1B visa is October.

  • The first day on which immigration workers start considering applications is April 1st.

  • For the last 3 years, the quotas has been filled on April 1st.

  • It is now March 18th.

And strictly speaking, *I* am not eligible to apply. My company is eligible to apply, and BossMan made it clear from the offset that he did NOT want to be involved in any of these legalities. So…his signature is the only part in this plot that he will play. But the attorneys won’t accept money or documents from the worker themselves. Me. So. I gather all the information, fill in all the forms, write the checks, and get BossMan to sign. The majority of my paperwork is now in the mail, although there are still a few odds and ends that need tying.

If I am not accepted, it is not the end of the world. My F1-OPT is still current. I am still allowed to stay here, and work legally for another year. At which point, I may certainly apply for another H-1B, with next year’s applicants. If I am successful next year, I will be eligible to begin work next October, 2010. Until that time, I have to leave the country.

This visa can last up to 6 years, and counts as a ‘dual intent’ visa, meaning I am allowed to own property, and appliances, and of course the biggie, apply for permanent residency. That is my big hurdle; that is the accomplishment I desire.

I always knew they had another motive..

Muah ha ha ha ha ah ha!

Foooooo Goooooo

Lately I've had the feeling that I missed something. You know that nagging feeling that you've been climbing flights of stairs and you should have arrived at a particular landing by now, but all you see are more stairs above and below. I've been feeling this for so long that I've been checking each floor for an emergency exit.

In theory, things are tip top. L graduated from her School, known as the University of Ultimate Learning and Money Sucking. She started her job the very next week and is thrilled to bits with how challenging it is. She comes home daily all excited and wanting to share the jokes and experiences of the day. I feel sad that the geek humor is wasted on me a bit. Nothing kills a joke for me like a punchline of "blah blah blah... SQL!" Ha ha ha ha ha... I don't get it.

So I can't shake the feeling. I think it started years ago when we said "we just have to make it through {insert random major issue of life here} and then we'll be fine and life will be all flowers, puppies and rainbows!" Well, we've conquered all the random major issues as they came at us, and I'm here thinking "Now it's supposed to be calm, easier, better. Not living as though L could be expelled from the country any moment. Not having to work extra jobs to stay afloat. One step closer to a Green Card. Not being up all night worrying over all this stuff for L.

Granted, the economy is a wreck, and the people being given the means to assist in rectifying it are blowing goats and monkeys by giving millions in bonuses to top excecs instead of repairing damage and saving jobs and the entire economy. That is not pleasing me, but I don't think it's the root of my inability to pop out of the funk.

Any ideas? I'm willing to consider them.

Friday, March 13, 2009

You know I'll always come back...

Yes, we were quiet. Absent. You clicked our link to find only the same old posts sitting there, lonely and used. There was no sign of the She girls, only silence.

However, after a long and very busy month, many things have been completed and/or resolved that took precidence over the blogging. We hate to say it, but it is true. Sometimes you cannot be the center of our worlds, and you really need to learn to share. What were you, an only child?

So we're back. Gazelle is graduated, employed, and on the way to more solid citizenship. We are still able to maintain our home *crosses fingers in this economy* and generally really happy. I am looking at ending my part time job since Gazelle is employed now and I'm old, exhausted and generally lazy. lol Actually, I want to spend that time in my downstairs studio reacquainting myself with my art. I'll try to post some posted pieces if I don't suck too hard.

Look for more consistent posts, and a pat on your head for the undying loyalty you've shown. Thanks for hanging in with us. See you soon.