Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Friday, October 3, 2008

No Marriage For You. Bad Gay.

I've been a little full of rage today, and it's taken me until now to figure out why: the debate. I should have known better than to watch 5 seconds of it, let alone the 45 minutes that I managed to make it through without barfing. I'm not a very political person, really. I don't know all the issues, I don't understand this $700 billion bailout, and I don't understand why Sarah Palin, John McCain, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are so terribly threatened by the idea of me marrying my girl.

I have absolutely ZERO interest what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom, unless it involves children or animals. Two lifeforms that can't speak up for themselves and give their consent, or voice their refusal. Say it with me, people: Gay Marriage will not make it possible for people to marry their goat.

I can't really speak about this very eloquently, but let the record state that I am trying my utmost not to be a negative person. I spent many a year in that state, and like to think that the happy, laughing individual I propagate is finding its roots in me. Sooner or later, we all become what we pretend to be, right?

So last night, I lay in bed alone, trying to figure out the way forward, and my tiny, over-reactive brain said that Canada was the way forward. It isn't, but it took me a while to talk myself down from that. What I need to do is get a job, hopefully this job, and do things the hard way, but the legal way. Take the road that many have to, work for the set amount of years on an H-1B visa, before finally being allowed to switch over to permanent residency, and then eventually, perhaps citizenship.

And I'll do that, but it's not fair. My sister is getting married to a wonderful guy who lives in Delaware, and her road here is going to be far from easy, but she has that option. "I fell in love, and we want to be together" that the American government will accept and say, "OK, in you come." Heck, Bob down the street can bring in a mail-order bride if he finally gets sick of being alone and that's okay too. Just, y'know, as long as it's legitimate. And why wouldn't it be? Oh, that's right, because the faggots are destroying the sanctity of marriage.


Unknown said...

They were showing that part of the debate on CNN at my doctors office this morning while Scoop and I were waiting with all the straight couples trying to have babies. It was so hard not to make loud comments about the idjit that she is. I wish your journey to stay here was easier too, but we are all rooting for you.

Kris <3 said...

i love you <3 & i think you should marry whoever you want, where ever you want, work where ever, and live anywhere and everywhere. you're an amazing person: don't let any stupid moose-hunting, unexperienced, i've been everywhere in the world and still don't know what i'm doing, and/or i've tried to be president three times and never succeeded politician tell you otherwise!

tatu'd dork said...

they are threatened by "you" - they are threatened from the religious right and middle america.. they want their votes more then yours and until the gays can wake up religious @ssholes, nothing is going to change.

i hope you two, and others, can find some way to be happy.. i'm sorry things are soo difficult, just to live your life.

..and licking peanut butter isnt a form on consent? OOPS! LOL