Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Monday, October 27, 2008

On Uncertainty and Barnyard Animals

By the title, this could have been NSFW, but it's fine. I'm going to be vague and dodgy, as things are not 100% finalized, and I can't risk any further damage points. My life meter is low, and I have -3 stamina. One more hit from a beastie and I'm toast with no revive button!

Employment is the topic of uncertainty. It looks like all I have worked for the past 6 years is about to be demolished. It is also apparent that since it applies to me entire department, I am being used as the scapegoat that is making this disaster possible.

So not only am I in flux with my own future, but I am being blamed for the flux that is affecting the futures of others. For those of you who know me, I'm not good about guilt. I eat a plate for breakfast, and if it stays down, I can snack on it all day until my insides are torn to bits.

Keep me in some good, positive, meditative thoughts, ok kids? I can see my own tethered rope beginning to fray. I can't afford to come unravelled now.


Unknown said...

O+O;;;;; Holy Moly, what are those loons in Somerset trying to do? You have all the positive vibes and good luck we can send. We really hope things work out for you.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Scoopy says. Hope things work out. If you need to talk give us a call.

tatu'd dork said...

you know you can talk to me/us any time any day! what the hell is going on?!?!