Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

My biological clock, that thing I never really believed existed, has been running on Duracell recently. And by recently I mean the last 2 years, with the batteries getting stronger every day.

In hindsight, heading over to the baby section in the local Halloween store was a bad idea.

Say it with me now: Uter-Yoink!


Kris <3 said...

this costume makes we want to have lots and lots of babies so that i can dress them up as the whole whinnie the pooh gang! <3

tatu'd dork said...

ha.. that kid is SOOO NOT playin the role of eeyore! it needs to practice more gloom! LOL

Allie said...

who's the little the little baby ashapoochypoocywoowoowoooo

i mean...

cute costume...