Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quick Rant

(Using pretend, anti-unemployment camoflague)

In the "Hotel" where I work, I guess I'd be considered security and a concierge. There are 3 others in my position as well. The hotel "general manager" oversees us all, and there is a "corporate manager" who intrudes and messes with things from time to time with no working knowledge of the facility. This corporate manager used to work in the same hotel as one of my fellow workers, and due to such things, this asshat has a definitive favoritism for this person.

It was recently brought to my attention that this connection was used to influence a major change in status and pay scale favoring this co-worker by the corp. manager. There really is no recourse for the other co-workers such as myself to complain or change this fact without jeopardy to my own position. Even the general manager is helpless to change the situation, being under the thumb of the corporation.

It's disheartening when I think of the very hard work I do, and the pride I take in it. This other mook is a sedentary piece of shit who spends his days blathering about his 'good 'ol days' in the old hotel, and complaining that the new hotel is too much work and slacking off or doing work I have to do over again because it's wrong. If you aren't happy to be here, get the fuck out and make room for people who want to be here, you bloated ass-monkey.

Whew. I think I was a bit more angry that I thought. Oooops.


1 comment:

Allie said...

punch them...all of them!