Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Old Lady Hands

It's bizarre and I think it's gross. I think it might be from working 10 years as a deep tissue massage therapist, add to that my prior years working as a sous chef in kitchens and burning my hands all night, add to that the millions of small house jobs where I titter around with my hands and usually end up almost losing a digit or two and it makes them look kinda, well, old.

I am not saying I have the permanently clawed hands, or that I have a million liver spots. no! Not by a long shot. But ever since I began at CoffeeLand; digging into soaking coffee grinds, taking insanely hot steel things from the sanitizer that singe my hands and leave searing red marks, hands constantly being in water; I drag myself home at night and my hands feel weird. I look at my fingertips and it's like they aren't really there. So, I tested myself at work today by rolling my own finger prints on the digital screen. It was worse than I thought. I have okay prints on my #1 and #6 fingers. Even #2 and #7 are passable. The rest, however, are nothing but undetectable markings. These are the same prints I lament when I'm printing a 70+ year old woman with a lifetime of scrubbing bare-handed with bleach and smoking filterless Pall Malls. My prints have worn down so far that when I tried to take them again, this time in a special ink, using a ridge raising compound, the results were the same unreadable blobby smear.

Why, oh why didn't I just marry into money and be done with it? Then I'd have pretty hands that would be manicured and perfect.


arestocracy said...

Sweet!!! Now you can begin your other, other side job as a super-spy with no fingerprints!!!

calugg said...

Eh...It happens. I've notice my hands are increasingly gnarly at age 45. But then there were those 15 years as a professional musician (instrumentalist) followed by the 17+ years as a professional geek--which means lots and lots of keyboarding.

If you want to see BEAUTIFUL hands, check out any professional keyboardist's (if their technic is worth a damn). Just gorgeous hands. All muscle and elegance.

Ugly hands? See football.

Whit said...

The fact that your 'prints' are leaving less and less of a trace means you can get them into more and more trouble with less and less recourse... You know, that's a darn good question. What would you do, not do or better yet re-do with your hands if their actions could magically be untraceable and have a different outcome? I'm probably certian you wouldn't be putting them in steaming baths of hot coffee grounds... For me, I would just keep my digits to myself more. Should have listened to that teacher more...If I only knew then what I know now!

Gazelle said...

Hey hey! You *did* marry into money. I've just misplaced it. But your manicure is pending, I promise.