Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Do I Look Like a Republican to You?

So there's this guy I work with. And he drives me crazy. He's one of those sadly-not-select individuals who was seemingly born without an inside voice. In fact, I referred to him as Marie previously. He likes to talk politics with me, along with a multitude of other controversial topics. For some reason, I think he thinks we're on the same side. So when he starts talking about the most wondrous Sarah Palin, and all the good she could do, I honestly couldn't stop myself from laughing. So we got into quite the debate, which only resorted to name-calling once or twice. The Boss came out at one point to listen, and to make sure no blood was spilled, and was smirking to herself. Honestly, when he started saying how Obama's plan was to walk around pointing at McCain saying "Bush! Bush!", I couldn't help but respond in kind with my "He has no experience! Look who my VP candidate is!"

I felt like I was 5, but it felt good.

1 comment:

Allie said...


Marie always seems to have her foot in her mouth when it comes to things like this. You showed her!

But really, has he been living under a rock with this whole Palin thing?

"I May Be Broke, But I'm Not Flat Busted."

ps the word verification for posting a comment says "fiilg" a noise probably made by marie often ;)