Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the 7th Day, I Rested...

If it weren't for the damned time stamps on everything in this computer controlled world, I could totally post this as though I hadn't missed the midnight deadline last evening, and all would appear right in the world. Alas, if I tried to get away with that, I believe Santa would check off "Naughty, for lying to her blog readers" next to my name. Fat Bastard.

My excuse, however, is that I worked yesterday from the ass crack of dawn (after working 12 hours at my job and then coming home to take an online final exam until stupid o'clock in the morning the prior evening) until 11am, ran home and threw together a marvelous traditional English turkey dinner because L's sister from Yorkshire, England and her fiance came to stay the night with us to celebrate an early holiday. It was a grand time, and we were up giggling until early morning while playing twisted word games and generally chatting up a storm. I adore them both. It was wonderful to have them both here, and it was great to be able to offer them the newly finished and gorgeous guest room upstairs. I was chuffed about it all, from cooking a fab meal to basking in happy memory making times with family.

So, sorry I missed the posting, but honestly, if your panties are in a bunch over this, you should get out more!

OH!!! Can someone, ANYONE please tell me how to frikking spell Chanukah? I found about 8 ways so far in various dictionaries, online resources and such. My fave so far? Hanaka. LMAO Can we at least TRY to spell it?

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