Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Monday, December 22, 2008

Iz dis be teh 9th dae?

On the 9th Day, there was lolcat speak.

Monday, back at work and it just seems that while time is flying by, there is still the same amount of work to be done, but a lot fewer people opting to do it. We had a full staff today, but I'd say I was the only one who actually worked. Most people meandered the halls, did last minute online shopping and a multitude of forced yuletide joy.

Speaking of forced Yuletide joy - there is a specific person in my department who is the definition of all things I loathe, and this person makes every effort to provoke my irritation with his narrow minded, self centered, ego maniacal, right winged, false christian, self-important antics. One of the yearly things that I have to look forward to is his refusal to accept any identification of this time of year as "Christmas Time". He gets on tangents about calling it a "holiday" and he mocks anything remotely not affiliated with Christmas. I have heard a few comments about my chosen beliefs and my observance of Bodhi Day. Just because I chose not to rip off that toupee when I overheard it doesn't mean I've gone soft - I was just being a more enlightened person. ;)

Today was another example, as we all chipped in and gave the boss a holiday gift card. When it was presented, the boss said "Merry Christmas, everyone, and thank you so much" and then stumbled into a "Have a happy holiday." He meant it sincerely, and I think he was just trying to be certain he didn't break any "political correctness" laws or offend anyone. I personally couldn't care less - Bodhi Day is MY celebration, and how I chose to do it is my concern. Christmas is his, and I have no problem with him wishing me Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa or anything else. It's a personal choice and I don't hold people responsible for learning all of the details of what I believe on the off chance that they may not know how to greet me at a holiday they never knew about. My gripe is when ass hats like the other guy stand up after hearing the boss say the "Happy Holiday" thing and get pissed off and say "Merry Christmas, everyone - if you don't like it, there's the door for the liberal whiners". THAT'S what gets me irritated. I know where it was directed, and I don't care so much for the reason of personal offence about my choices, but rather his disrespect for anyone else who may have a differing opinion or belief. That really cranks my engine. I say nothing about the insane looking display he puts up around his desk for over a month every year. I kind of hope the fact that I have a Jesus bobble head next to a Buddha bobble head on my desk might piss him off.

Ugh. I just vomited out all of today's ugliness. *wipes the computer screen off for you*


Anonymous said...

You have every right to gripe. That guy needs a Christmas tree shoved up his ass... see how much he likes CHRISTMAS TIME then.

calugg said...

Eh....I loathe the workplace piety, particularly in governmental spaces (I'm an ed policy geek, so I have a rich working knowledge of this foolishness).

Here's my cure: When someone wants an publicly funded invocation of the divine (pay attention Prez Obama) I'm all for slaughtering a goat, divining the entrails and then painting everyone with the goat's blood as a mark of religious devotion.

Now, that's the proper way to "bring back faith" into the public square.