Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Monday, December 15, 2008

On the 2nd Day of Christmas, your Blogger Gives to You...

A post just as promised, so I can prove to my grade school teachers that I can follow through, they were wrong, and they will rot in hell.

This post is going to be more about the 3 things that made me smile today, rather than all the stupid little things that went wrong. Those will be added to the inevitable tide of other wrong things that are bound to happen tomorrow. Yay optimism!

So today brought me insane happiness with the fully finished and lit tree in the living room. I don't even celebrate Christmas; we celebrate Bodhi Day within the traditions of Buddhism, but I am a sucker for a bit of nostalgic tradition, and my entire family celebrates Christmas, so why not have fun. This can be seen as my very open and accepting attitude of other beliefs and practices, or as one more way I will confuse my own children with too many options. I'm such an Aquarium. Wait, Aquarian.

So, the tree:

The second thing from today was spending the afternoon at my mom's house, working at a semi-new tradition of making fresh gingerbread cookies for the holiday. We listened to the "Charlie Brown's Christmas" cd I brought (I did a Snoopy dance) and baked and chatted. It was really nice, and my cookies are shaped as reindeer. I rule.

So, the cookies:

The third thing just happened as we opened our mail tonight. We got a Christmas card from Lisa's brother Chris, his wife Rach, and the ever lovely little 'lizbeth. The card was cute, and when we opened it, there was a message that it was special. We turn it over, and it's a card from 'lizbeth's school, and the top says "design created by:" and her name!! How awesome is that? It's kind of a 3 eyed angel on crack, and it's gorgeous!

So, the card, designed by family: (It's better than Lisa can do any day!)

Have a great night... until tomorrow.


Devin said...

I don't know what to believe in anymore about things like Christmas-but I also get nostalgic for the old stuff and the memories of the season from my childhood-for a while in my life I was so far left-it was almost against my Leninist yearnings to want to have anything to do with the holiday-now I am back to just being weird-I hope the both of you are doing fantastic-Alice too!

Gazelle said...

Of course, you can almost make out our tiny bouncy Buddha, resting peacefully atop our tree in place of a star or angel. That's how we roll :)

Anonymous said...

I don't celebrate christmas either and it hasn't really been a trasition in my family since I was really little... but I am a sucker for a christmas tree. I decorated one just because I think they're cute. We're not celebrating christmas, not giving gifts, not making cookies... in fact, I'm a regular scrooge during the holidays. But, I have a christmas tree... or a "holiday" tree. Yeah, that's better.

everglade said...

Your tree is lovely!!!!

Here is ours .. and a dog.