Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boughs of Folly

Hello Urchins.

Tis the season to try to be jolly, then get bitch slapped by circumstance, and still maintain that stupid grin so people don't commit you to a sanitarium.

Things have been hectic at the Greening-Cole Ranch, but I am pleased to report that we are still happy and goofy. Stress is taking an individual toll, but thankfully, we're great with communication, so it's not stressing on us as a couple. That makes me smile.

Rohatsu went off without as much observance as I would have liked. It was the 8th of December, but so much complicated work stuff, plus the very sad death of my wonderful uncle in Kentucky made for a hard time of observing. Perhaps I can make my own special day to observe in the proper way in the new year. That'll make me happy. I invite you all to join me!

The bedroom is almost 100% finished with the renovations, and I think all 3 of us are thrilled. Ok, I think Alice wins that contest. The headboard has built-in cubbies, and she has promptly made all of them into little napping dens of her own. the top ledge also allows her a place to curl up to nap, or keep a vigil on birds and squirrels out the bedroom windows. The colours are wonderful and calming. It's turning into the bedroom I've wanted for a long time now. All we need is to find the perfect wall art, and we're working on it.
Anywhoodle - I'm off.

I will send updates as I can, and try to delve into the real meat of what's going on, but I'm going to need a pitchfork to sort through the crap enough to write it.

Missed you all. Send us love, topics, or whatever!