Department of Defense

Department Of Defense

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Red-Breasted Robin

We've been decidedly MIA, for which I apologize, but there is good reason. My beloved is of course still working her two jobs, and I am now one month and one day away from finally graduating. Providing, of course, that I don't screw it up. There are no guarantees in baseball.

There's a lot to talk about, from the new job, to my sudden lack of medication, including, of course, our new President; however, as The United States of Tara is starting imminently, I can leave you with a small anecdote.

This afternoon, Barbara's boss from the real job (not CoffeeLand) took all of his employees, and their partners, out to a very swish (in the English sense of the word) luncheon. At this luncheon, we met the girlfriend of the youngest son of said boss. Does it say something about my character if the form of that sentence makes me think in German's dative case?

Anyway, we shall call the girlfriend Red-Breasted Robin, and she...was a trip. A complete and utter riot, to the point where I was emailing myself comments, lest I forget. 24, native to New Jersey, and I believe one of a kind. It is with a slight warning that I introduce you to a very scary mind.

Red-Breasted Robin: Oh my god, J's cousin's boyfriend, I think he's gay. He's like the best dancer ever, and he's not even Italian or Black.

Stay tuned for your next installment, coming soon.

1 comment:

BDot: The Inspirmentalist said...

hey hey you gotta be black or italian to know how to dance huh...that's a stereotype man...

*starts poplocking*

oops..i just fulfilled it.