Do unto others. It's such a simple rule, yet humans who believe in this rule - religiously or as a standard rule to live by - have managed to fuck it up with their own selfish purposes. Follow me on this, because I may take some detours to get there.
I have an idea for a story that if it's not yet made, shall be mine - so the following is written with a caveat containing copyright and trademark citation. I think I've seen a few movies written in the perspective of opposite/ironic points of view that are meant to make people stop and think about expanding their view to be accepting of others. Notice - I did not use the term "tolerant". I love that word. I use that word. I can BE that word at times. It seems, however that the general population is against that term, some people arguing that they should not have to be tolerant of someone if they do not agree with whatever it is that person is doing that is so disagreeable.
Eye of the Beholder |
Interracial Marriage? |
In 1950, this country was finally beginning (just beginning) to put an end to segregation. We now look back at the Holocaust and say with certainty how horrible and wrong to slaughter a group based on race, hair color, religion, eye color etc. So what are we doing now? Choosing the next group?
It might seem silly to some people, and I've even actually had more than a handful of african american and black friends tell me it's a sin to compare that civil rights movement to the movement of gay rights - but I see it as a clear cut case of fighting for Human Rights. I think that without setting my soapbox on fire, I need to say very quickly that I have no illusions about "knowing" what anyone in any group that I was not a part of went through. To say "I understand" would be an insult. So it is with me as well. This is not a joke. People are dying through bullying, suicide, hate crimes, and so much more. it seems stupid to me, not to make the comparison. It is not right for ANY group to limit the rights and freedoms of ANY OTHER group simply because you do not agree with them.
Tolerance? |
NOT ok. |
Would YOU appreciate it if it was up to a vote as to whether or not you could marry someone you loved?
Would it be ok if anyone who is married to someone from another country have their marriage immediately revoked and their loved one deported?
Would you be okay with someone telling you that your religion is wrong, and you are not allowed to believe as you do?
Would you be okay with being treated differently based upon any aspect of who you are?
Think long and hard about what you take for granted - growing up, getting a job, going to school, marrying your love, raising kids, getting old and planning retirement, being there for your family....
Now take those options and severely limit most of them, and take others away completely. That's is what the Equality for ALL movement is about.
No one is saying that everyone can be a millionaire or own corporations, or go to the best schools or live in a dream house.
But EVERYONE is born with the option, ability and Equal Right to strive for it.